Pick this if you need overall marketing support, or specialist projects delivered.
34 points/month
Achieve real impact for your business with a wide range of marketing services to solve your most pressing challenges.
55 points/month
Ideal for businesses needing full marketing campaign support to bring about transformational growth.
89 points/month
Point pricing provides transparency to everyone we work with, enabling them to track project progress and performance, transforming the way our clients manage and allocate their resources. Marketing is not an expense, but an investment, so every Pound/Dollar/Euro you spend has a purpose and represents incremental progress towards your goals.
Each project within our services list has a fixed point total (e.g. a blog is worth 13 points) representing value created as opposed to hours spent carrying out a specific task. Point totals are standardized for all of our clients, empowering you to flex and pick the tasks and projects that you want to invest in the most depending upon your changing priorities month-on-month, year-on-year.
There are three standard packages for you to choose from, these are designed to cater to companies not according to their size, but rather to the marketing need of each business. For instance, a start-up might require a lot of marketing support in a short timeframe to help aggressively scale or raise funds. A large corporation, on the other hand, with a big existing in-house marketing team might experience a diversion of its internal resources towards a business priority that leaves them in need of temporary support with campaigns or one-off specialist projects (e.g. lead pathing, e-book creation or customer journey mapping).
We offer extra points and discounts when you book workshops, give us referrals, add projects onto your package, sign on as a new client or renew with us. Unused points in your monthly package roll over so you do not lose them.
When you sign on to one of our packages, one of the things we will discuss is how you would like to allocate your point total in a strategy session. We can vary this, iterating and adjusting based on performance data and your evolving goals.
Every marketing team needs to be able to justify its budgetary investments to the business' stakeholders. We offer you full flexibility with tactical selection, transparent pricing and the freedom to deploy, measure and iterate your projects and tactics in quick cycles.
This creates a hyper focus on value creation and results' tracking both for us and your team.
We don't believe in programmatic marketing, measuring open rates, or vanity metrics. We believe in marketing that drives real growth, and to do that we measure differently and we craft strategies proven to deliver impact for science and technology-led companies.
Our flexible system reflects our core belief that when you outsource, you should be empowered to be agile in the way that you allocate your marketing budget.
Saltire Centre, Pentland Court, Glenrothes KY6 2DA, UK
Copyright © 2025 Qincade Ltd. All rights reserved.
Company Registration Number SC808229
VAT Number 476 0224 00 1
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